PharmaTimes Marketer of the Year Chair, Sabina Syed, reveals the benefits of entering in 2019

by | 3rd May 2019 | News

The PharmaTimes Marketer of the Year competition has been designed to help improve the standard of healthcare marketers throughout the industry via a unique process.

The PharmaTimes Marketer of the Year competition has been designed to help improve the standard of healthcare marketers throughout the industry via a unique process.

Sabina Syed, Managing Director at Visions4Health and Chair of the Executive Steering Group, hails the longstanding competition for its important role in the industry, saying:

The Marketer of the Year competition enters its 26th year, a testament to its value to pharma companies and marketing professionals”.

Sabina’s role as Chair of the ESG is to ensure that the competition continues to develop and adapt to reflect any current trends in the industry, to offer a rare and unique judging process, and strive to directly benefit and improve the candidates who enter.

She continued, “At the heart of this annual competition is professional development, which continues to be the differentiator from others as it tests candidates on their marketing and communications skills against their peers.

Entering the competition will enable you:

  • To sharpen your skills and be top of your game
  • Have the opportunity to get feedback from the expert judges about where you may want to focus for your personal development
  • An opportunity to network with peers and expert judges
  • Raise yours and your company’s profile
  • and importantly have some fun!”

The efforts of the ESG each year are key in continuing to raise the standard of this prestigious competition. Sabina believes that collectively they have “devised a fantastic competition this year that is based on real world scenarios and will challenge you at a level appropriate of the category you enter”.

If you have approval from your company then don’t hesitate any further – enter now! Alternatively, if you think a colleague, employee or manager has the skills to be successful then nominate them via our online form.

Feel free to contact us via email or telephone for more information on the entry process or how to put nominations forward.

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