Reality sights

26th Apr 2024

Published in PharmaTimes magazine -
Behavioural science may hold key to take up of next-gen therapies

With the ever-increasing numbers of novel drugs and advanced treatments including cell and gene therapies coming to market, medical communications need to be adapted to help overcome instinctive resistance to change by prescribers and patients.

As novel therapies rise in profile in life sciences, behavioural science has a powerful role to play in overcoming potential barriers to new prescribing behaviour.

As treatments become more complex and ambitious, it follows that a more tailored approach to medical communications – guided by behavioural science, informed by evidence of what any barriers to change are – will be important.

This is so that HCPs don’t automatically default to their habitual choices of medical or treatments, but become more open to emerging options that may improve patient outcomes.

Check out the rest of the feature here

PharmaTimes Magazine
